The Final Concert
Thank you, Chris Huffman, for handling the sound, lighting, visuals, etc. with expertise!
"House to black..."
"House to black..."
Organ Voluntary: "Fanfare in D", Tom Huffman at the Organ.
Cindy Huffman, Workshop Chair
Intermediate Handbells
Directed by Rick Holdsworth Luke Nash presented the Grant Pulen Scholarship to Kylie Torres, a returning member of our Youth Team and a Senior at Florida Southern, where she is majoring in Music and minoring in Psychology. You may recognize her from the March / April / May issue of "Quarter Notes".
Liturgical Dance class ministering to the music of "Thy Will", during the Offering received for the Rosie-Jean Scholarship, the Memorial Scholarship, and the Grant Pulen Scholarship.
Voices of Praise
Directed by Robert (BJ) Jackson Accompanied by Gaye Herndon, with Bryant Manning on guitar and Nathaniel Lambert on Djembe Instrumental Ensemble accompanying Voices of Praise
as they sing "Be Thou My Vision". Directed by Bryan Browning Advanced Handbells
Directed by Rick Holdsworth Adult Choir
Directed by Dr. Beth Gibbs Accompanied by Tom Huffman Youth Choir
Directed by Dr. Andrew Minear Accompanied by Gaye Herndon. Soloists: Piper Loeffler, Campbell Crews, and Darica Dawson |
Joint Adult and Youth Choirs
Directed by Dr. Beth Gibbs
Accompanied by Tom Huffman,
with Nathaniel Lambert on Djembe.
Directed by Dr. Beth Gibbs
Accompanied by Tom Huffman,
with Nathaniel Lambert on Djembe.